We had a few losses from our big chick order, so we figured we'd supplement with a few more chicks from tractor supply. We picked up 6 ISA Brown and 4 Rhode Island Red chicks, which appear to be a few days old.
Both of these breeds should be prolific layers of large brown eggs. They're a couple weeks younger than the other group, but they integrated well and hopefully will grow up healthy and happy. In the picture above, you can see the chicks in their new home, with their slightly older siblings in the background.
The new addition to the flock should be a fun mix, as we're now up to 5 breeds, although three (ISA Brown, Red Star, and RIR) are really quite similar.
In addition this week, we had our first food waste drop-off set up through the app ShareWaste.
ShareWaste's goal is to connect people who have food waste and want to see it kept out of the landfill with people who have chicken or compost setups and are willing to take on waste.
That's exactly what it did this week, connecting some nice folks with some food waste with us. I'm hoping it will lead to regular small drop offs. Every little bit helps!
